A solution that promises high energy efficiency can help us get through the summer heat. A Portable Electric Evaporative Cooler delivers high levels of cooling power efficiently. The cool thing about it is that it uses less energy while providing unbeatable cooling power. The Evaporative cooler is often referred to as a swamp cooler. This unique cooling device is perfect for dry climates. These cooling devices are very popular in the West. It is easy to purchase and inexpensive to operate.
An Evaporative Cooling System acts by adding water vapor to the atmosphere. This helps lower temperatures. Evaporative cooling can be described as a natural phenomenon. It is common in almost all areas of our environment. Simply turn on your garden sprinklers to understand the concept. If you stand in the vicinity of the yard being watered you will notice that the air is cooler. This is similar to the idea of evaporative coolers.
People are increasingly choosing portable evaporative cools over traditional air conditioners. They can be both more eco-friendly and less expensive. Before you buy portable air coolers, here are some things to consider.
1. Where Applicable To Evaporative Cooler
Evaporative coolers can be more environmentally friendly and less efficient than AC. Evaporative coolers are usually more powerful than regular fans. They are used to cool churches, Coffee Shops, Computer Shops, factories, Farms, Fastfood, Grocery and Gyms, Industrial, hotels, homes, kitchens, Laundry Shops, Schools, Shopping Malls, Showrooms, Warehouses, etc.
2. Do I Live In The Right Environment For The Evaporative Cool?
Evaporative coolers are effective in lowering temperatures to 20-40 degrees Fahrenheit in high-temperature and low humidity areas. In high humidity situations, however, the cooler may not be able to cool you down. The cooling system’s effectiveness will depend on the temperature and relative humidity in your area.
It is a rule of thumb that coolers will produce air less than 70°F. If it produces more than 75°F, it won’t. The gray area between 70degF-75degF is where people are most comfortable.
3. What Are The Benefits Of Using A Portable Evaporative Cooler?
Super Energy Efficient:
Cooling your place with portable air coolers can be very economical and cost-effective. Swamp coolers can be up to 50 percent cheaper than cooling systems. Imagine a swamp cooler of 36 inches that can work for eight hours and costs less than $1 Because operating costs are limited to water and electricity. Even some swamp cooler designs do not require electricity.
Zero Emission:
It leaves no carbon footprint and emits very little emissions. The evaporative cooler does not have a compressor or refrigerant gas like other traditional cooling systems. Additionally, it does not emit any toxic chemicals into the atmosphere. Swamp cooling systems don’t use any refrigerants which could cause environmental harm. The earth’s ozone layer is being depleted by most refrigerant chemicals in air conditioning units. Global warming is caused by them.
Preventing Air Pollution:
The cooler comes with a filter that filters out harmful odors and dirt from the indoor environment. The cooler will make indoor air much cleaner. The cooler is eco-friendly and protects your home’s rooms from pollution. Another innovative product that purifies air quickly and efficiently without using any energy is the Airy Plant.